If an Accident happen..
Nearest Location or Assistance +36704554001
Drivers must also submit a written accident report, (And every document which is related to the accident. for example: pictures, driver license etc.) to the Rental agency.
What to do if you are in a car accident or witness an accident:
1. Stop your vehicle if it is clear, safe and legal to do so.
2. Call 112 for the police and, if necessary ask for emergeny medical services.
3. Move the vehicle out of the roadway, if it is clear, safe and legal. (If you are not sure, ask the police)
4. Turn off the ignition of the car involved.
5. Make a first aid check of all persons involved in the accident.
6. Mark the scene of the accident with flares or reflective triangles.
7. Gather the names of all persons in the motor vehicles and people who witnessed the accident.
8. Make a quick diagram and take pictures of where the vehicle occupants were seated and indicate the vehicles’ direction of travel and lane. Also note the date, time and weather conditions.
9. Ask to see the other driver’s license and write down the number.
10. Exchange insurance company information. DO NOT discuss „faulty party” or make statements about the accident to anyone except the police.
11. Get a copy of the police report of the accident from the local precinct.
12. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible.
Note: Do not stop and assist with an emergency situation unless you are properly licensed and trained to help in emergency situations. Please dial 112 and report the accident immediately